How to Travel on a Budget: 7 Best Tips

Exploring places doesn’t have to cost a fortune and certainly don’t need to win the lottery to travel the world. With the holiday season is approaching, money is on everyone’s mind. We would love to tell that we’re independently wealthy and don’t have to worry about a cent, but that’s not the case.  You may want to use a credit card to pay for your vacation.  If you have good credit you will likely be eligible for a card with a good interest rate and even better rewards for travel spending.  A bad credit history will definitely preclude you from being able to acquire these cards.  Your bad credit history can be fixed with the help of a credit repair service. We need to think the every penny we spend on travel and we want to share some tips to help you plan a holiday on an affordable way.

  1. Come up With a Plan

If you have the luxury of time and money, traveling spontaneously is great. But if you’re traveling on a budget, the first thing you need to do is to have a plan. You don’t need to have a tight, hour-by-hour itinerary but you have an idea on how long you’ll be spending in each city or country. You need to learn the routes of your adventures to lessen the unexpected spend.

  1. Travel Out of Season

Research the best time to visit your favorite destination and travel before or after the holiday. This is called the “shoulder season”, where you can still enjoy the whole trip despite the sun won’t shine brightly. Hotels and airlines lower their prices at this time to attract customers during this season.

  1. Be an Accommodation Savvy

Sharing a room with others naturally divides the costs and the opportunity to meet people who might be keen to explore with you. Other great alternatives are websites, where you simply book a spare room in a local person’s house or apartment. You could even stay with a family or friends if you have some in the place.  You can check out other accommodation sites like or

  1. Pack Properly

Make sure you bring everything you need for your trip to avoid spending unexpectedly. No matter where you’re heading, take a list of things you are going to bring so that you’ll not missed any of it. You can also check advices from the Internet on packing for every kind of trip.

  1. Book Flights in Advance

Airlines releases seat sales for a year in advance. Take this opportunity to book a flight for your planned destination, this will help you to get a cheaper bookings. Remember not to book flights when your planned dates is near, you may get higher prices of flights. Be smart about how you fly. Midweek travel prices are lower as a premium is added to weekend flights. The money you save on cheap seats can be spending on food or accommodation when you arrive at the place. Also, consider to bring a pack light luggage, this will save yourself for another charge.

  1. Embrace Public Transport

Buses and trains are cheaper than planes. If your destination can be also be reach through buses or trains, take it as it will cost less than an airplane. A journey on an overnight train or bus also means you have one less night in a hostel to pay for.

  1. Don’t Eat Away Your Cash

Cheap lunches can be bought in a supermarket or even in a local fresh food market. Aim to roam around before choosing a place to eat dinner too. Drinking beer with every dinner adds up both your wallet and your waistline; try to opt for water instead. Some hostels and spare rooms often let you have access on their kitchen, if you want to save money, it’s better to cook by yourself.